Next most relevant congresses in the biotechnology sector

The biotechnology industry continues to grow and evolve, a good proof of this is the large number of professional meetings that take place in these last months of the year. Thanks to these events, scientists and professionals have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends and developments in this field: something essential to promote, among all, the future of biotechnology globally. Since science is highly specialized, congresses are organized in the various fields of biotechnology.

What are they and what are their benefits?

These are events that bring together professionals, experts and industry leaders to discuss advances, challenges and opportunities in the field of biotechnology. These congresses are a platform to present innovative research, technologies and products, as well as to establish contacts and collaborations with other players in the sector.

Attending one of these events offers a wide variety of benefits, from updating your knowledge to generating new ideas and strengthening your network.

First, it is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends and developments in the industry. Attendees can participate in talks and workshops given by experts, and learn first-hand about the latest developments.

In addition, they are an excellent opportunity to connect with people in the same field and establish valuable industry contacts. This can lead to future collaborations, job opportunities and a greater understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

Most of them have a computerized scheduling system whereby slots can be blocked to attend sessions of interest and others can be left free to meet with potential partners.

Upcoming events Biotech

The teams of the different companies that make up the Oligofastx consortium have already organized themselves to be present at the most relevant events of the sector in the coming months, with the aim of sharing our progress and enriching our project.

These are the most relevant quotes.

  • RNA Therapeutics and Delivery Europe 2023:


  • BIOSPAIN Barcelona:


  • WIDS Barcelona (Women in Data Science):

    • Date: October 11, 2023
    • Location: Barcelona, Spain
    • Web: WIDS Barcelona


  • SMOT Valencia:

    • Date: October 21-22, 2023
    • Location: Valencia, Spain
    • Web: SMOT Valencia


  • OTS Barcelona (Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society):


  • CPhI Barcelona (Pharmaceutical Congress):

    • Date: October 24-26, 2023
    • Location: Barcelona, Spain
    • Web: CPhI Barcelona


If you are a professional and go to any of them, look for the team of our partners; We will be pleased to exchange knowledge related to the development and production of RNA-based drugs and applicable technologies such as Drug Delivery or Artificial Intelligence; And if you’re not attending, join the conversation through our social networks, share and contribute to the next generation of biotech breakthroughs.