Monthly Archives: February 2024

World Rare Disease Day: embracing the rarity of a leap year

In a leap year like the current one, where 29 February takes on a special significance, we are pleased to reaffirm our commitment to the development of innovative therapies for rare diseases. At OLIGOFASTX, we are proud to join in the commemoration of World Rare Disease Day, an iconic date that reminds us of the […]

#DiscoveringOligonucleotides: exploring the synthesis and scale-up of therapeutic oligonucleotides

In this sixth installment of our #DiscoveringOligonucleotides series, we delve into the synthesis and scale-up of therapeutic oligonucleotides. These small fragments of nucleic acids have proven to be crucial tools in the development of innovative and targeted drugs for a variety of medical conditions. Ensuring excellence in the production of therapeutic oligonucleotides: synthesis, purification and […]