Monthly Archives: March 2023

Artificial Intelligence applied to the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases

That Artificial Intelligence is coming to our daily lives is nothing new. We have all become accustomed to talking to chatbots on different websites, for example, which are based on Artificial Intelligence, which thanks to the most advanced algorithms, the feeding of large databases processed by Big Data and learning processes, are able to replace […]

Tribute to Severo Ochoa, the Spanish biochemist who received the Nobel Prize for discovering the enzymes involved in RNA synthesis.

Of Spanish origin, the small and idyllic town of Luarca (Asturias) was the birthplace of one of the most influential and decisive figures in the history of biochemistry: Severo Ochoa de Albornoz. He was born on September 24, 1905, and died on November 1, 1993, but not before having traveled a crucial and key path […]

Tribute to Severo Ochoa, the Spanish biochemist who received the Nobel Prize for discovering the enzymes involved in RNA synthesis.

Of Spanish origin, the small and idyllic town of Luarca (Asturias) was the birthplace of one of the most influential and decisive figures in the history of biochemistry: Severo Ochoa de Albornoz. He was born on September 24, 1905, and died on November 1, 1993, but not before having traveled a crucial and key path […]

Spanish pharmaceutical industry, third largest exporter with 53% growth to 2022

We love to share good news from the sector. On this occasion, we share the data recently published by farmaindustria that show not only the level of our scientific community in Spain, but also its international recognition. Specifically, in 2022 it reached 26,818 million euros in turnover, placing medicines as the third product with the […]