Goodbye 2022, welcome 2023

In the last days of the year, it is time to review everything we have done so far and plan for the coming months. The year 2022 has been very special for Oligofastx, because after the start date in October 2021 and the final resolution of CDTI on December 28, 2021, the project has become a reality with a single common goal among the 7 partners: to work towards oligonucleotide-based solutions for rare diseases.

All the partners that make up Oligofastx, in addition to our responsibilities associated with the different companies, work every day in a coordinated manner to bring Oligofastx to all parts of the globe and to raise awareness of this pioneering, ambitious and promising project.

And we are very proud, and we want to thank all the members of the consortium, for the great presence that we are achieving thanks to this coordinated work. This is a summary of everything we have achieved in 2022: a working basis, no doubt, for 2023.

A year full of suitcases, travel, conferences and representations

June: 2022 BIO Internacional Convention

June: IDMC-13

July: International Oliglonucleotides and Peptides conference (IOPC) in Milan. Tamara talked about OLIGOFASTX.

In early September, we were going with Arthex Biotech to the MDF 2022 Annual Conference, which was being held in San Diego, California.

There, Judith Walker, from Arthex Biotech, actively participated in the Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation event presenting the development of their lead compound ATX-01, and the ArthemiRTM trial in DM1 that they are working on.

We also attended the 2nd Meeting of the Ibero-American Aptamer Network (REDIBA) with Aptus Biotech.

In addition, in September we traveled to London with Apta Targets, as they had been invited to participate in the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics & Delivery Conference 2022, where Macarena Hernández gave a talk on the clinical development of ApTOLL.

Cristina Brugnolaro, from 53Biologics, went to Boston to present her latest developments.

And we were also present at the 18th annual OTS Congress.

The round table we organized at FarmaForum, where up to 5 partners were represented at the same table, was undoubtedly a milestone for us. It gave us the opportunity to present Oligofastx in a relaxed and relaxed manner, and to offer the audience the views and perspective of all the speakers.

Also in November we went to TIDES EUROPE, which was held in Vienna, with Arthex and Apta Targets.

And also with Arthex we were at the World Orphan Drug Congress.

We could not miss the Granada date with the XIV Meeting of the Spanish Drug Discovery Network, where we were with Arthex, Aptus and Sylentis talking about nucleic acids as therapeutic agents.

We have reached many corners of the planet in 2022 and we have had the opportunity to share with the scientific community and the media a Spanish project, with Spanish partners, of which we are tremendously proud.

We are sure that 2023 is going to be an intense and exciting year: a year that we will take advantage of until the last moment to make Oligofastx an internationally known and recognized project.

Thanks for the commitment to all of you who are directly or indirectly supporting this project.

Happy New Year 2023 to all!