Oligonucleotide solid-phase synthesis
Oligonucleotide manufacturing by manufacturing is the chemical synthesis of relatively short fragments of nucleic acid with a defined chemical structural sequence using biological processes and biological . The technique is extremely useful in current laboratory practice because it provides quick and cheap access to custom-made oligonucleotides with a desired sequence. While enzymes synthesise DNA and RNA in a 5′ to 3′ direction, oligonucleotide synthesis is carried out in the opposite direction, in the 3′ to 5′ direction. Currently, the process is implemented as a solid-phase synthesis using the phosphoramidite method and phosphoramidite building blocks derived from 2′-deoxynucleosides (dA, dC, dG and T), ribonucleosides (A, C, G, and U), or chemically modified nucleosides, such as ANB.